VIDEO LED (fig. 1-20)
If a video signal is input to the VIDEO IN (fig. 2-4) or the B.B IN (stands for Black
Burst)(fig. 2-2) this LED will be lit solid. If ProCue 1m1 internally generates NTSC
or PAL black it will slowly flash.
The knob EVENT CONTRAST adjusts the light intensity of streamers and punches.
IMPORTANT: If noise is input the Video In/ Black Burst In, ProCue 1m1 will
probably get disturbed. Noise could be an empty TV channel or a signal from an
unrecorded Tape.
For upgrade possibilities we have built in two extra function modes 2.FUNC
(Secondary) and 3.FUNC. (Third). That gives us two times eight (16) possible new
functions. The first four are already defined.
1) Click to Punch event / Visual metronome (default OFF)
If ON a punch is generated every time a click is generated.
2) Punch after streamer. (default ON)
This function turns the automatic punch after the streamer on and off.
The ADR studios often prefer no automatic punch after streamers.
3) Show Settings On Screen. (default ON)
If the setup screen is not wanted when entering the setup mode that function can be
turned OFF. When ProCue 1m1 is used at a recording session perhaps the conductor
will get upset if the screen suddenly is covered with setup information.
If you get an idea for new functions you need please let us know.
4) Right edge adjustment. (default 0)
With this function it is possible to adjust the hidden line where the streamers are
disappearing behind in the right side of the screen.