1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25

IMAGE imgs/Front01.gif

Front Panel. Figure 1.

IMAGE imgs/Front02.gif

1) Phones output
2) Volume control for speaker and phones
3) LED indicating when a signal is detected by the audio re-trigger
4) Single ended (unbalanced) audio re-trigger A input.
5) Thresshold control for the audio re-trigger
6) LED indicating the HOLD time
7) HOLD time control for the audio re-trigger
8) LED indicating when any audio is produced
9) Width controls for click one
10) Balance between click one and click two
11) Width controls for click two
12) Tone control for both clicks
13) Lineout level control
14) LED indicates when a Sync Pop is produced
15) Switch with two functions:
• Produces a sync pop in normal mode
• In setup mode it choses the next function to be set.
16) Switch with two functions:
• Produces test streamers and clicks in normal mode
• In setup mode it sets the function chosen with the “Next”
17) LED Flashes on all midi activity
18) LED flashes in setup mode
19) Setup switch
20) LED on when no video is input
21) Video event contrast control
22) Power Switch

IMAGE imgs/Front03.gif

IMAGE imgs/Front04.gif

IMAGE imgs/Front05.gif

23) Flashes when receiving the MIDI note/channel assigned to Click 1
24) Flashes when receiving the MIDInote (channel) assigned to Click 2
25) Flashes when receiving the MIDI note/channel assigned for the sync pop.
26) Flashes if any MIDI messages assigned for video events are recieved.
27) These two LEDs indicates if the click generator is sensitive to midi velocity.
28) These two LEDs indicates if the incoming video format is
PAL or NTSC. If no video signal is input, they will indicate
either PAL or NTSC black generation.
29) indicates if the proportions of the punch match the 4:3 (normal TV) or
16:9 (Wide screen) screen format.
30) Indicates if visual events are controled by
MIDI note on commands or MIDI SYSEX or both.
31) Indicates if TRIGGER B will be sensitive to
raising or faling edge pulses.
32) Indicates if a input pulse on Input B will result in Click 2 or a Sync pop.
33-34) 2 LEDs for alternative functions.